Our Customers and Partner

RaiWay, We collaborate with the Italian leading broadcaster.

Fores Engineer
For the Oil&Gas industry we collaborate with Fores Engineering in developing TLC systems

Radio Frequency System
We supply RFS products with pre- and after-sales customer service

Together with Generale Costruzioni Ferroviarie we work in Railway market for tunnel radio coaverage

Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (Italian railway), We carry out radio-extension systems, electromagnetic impact assessments and TLC engineering services

We are working on the expansion and consolidation of the Iliad network

We carry out interference and Los measurements on the WindTre network
During the years, the collaboration with Sirti has consolidated, in order to offer services to mobile phone operators.

With Site Spa we cooperate to offer services to the mobile phone operators.
Together with Ceit we take care of the installation of radio links for mobile phone operators

Vem Sistemi
Together with Vem Sistemi we took care of the installation of some network infrastructures
Rosetti Marino
Rosetti Marino Spa operates in the Oil & Gas industry. Nexum is glad to support it when the matter is telecommunications
On behalf of Syes a we have installed many liquid-cooled system in the Raiway network

We have carry out TV and FM radio broadcasting systems for SkyOne TV, Madagascar’s television network

With Elber awe are managing important Raiway project
Screen, we develop important broadcasting systems abroad.
Some project executed for our clients
In these years we have worked in many contexts: in Oil&Gas, coming into contact with the peculiarities of this world, in Broadcasting area, appreciating the professionalism that allows Italian companies to be leaders in the world, we work with mobile phone operators whose dynamism and innovation are a stimulus for everyone, we work in Italian railways that invest a lot in new technologies and telecommunications. Our experience has also led us to deal with special situations such as the USA base in Aviano. Below is a list, necessarily not complete, of the works we have done. Jobs that have enriched us professionally and humanly, bringing us to confront the most diverse technological realities.